The work of Open Art relies entirely on the generous contributions of our supporters. Large or small, you can decide what branch of our organization you wish to support, whether it's a specific project or the organisation as a whole. If you are a UK taxpayer then for every £1 you donate, we can reclaim tax to increase your donation by 28p through the Gift Aid scheme. If you're not then don't worry, you can still donate!

Open Art Foundation

Donate using the button below to support our ongoing efforts to to engage with deprived communities throughout the world using art in all forms to make a difference.

We Are Not Princesses

Click below to contribute to the funding of our documentary film. In the Autumn of 2014, we ran a drama workshop with Syrian refugee women in Beirut, and we filmed the whole thing.


Tell your friends and family about our project. There's no better way to make an impact on these women's lives than to become an active advocate yourself. Share now and make an impact!