Our friend Joseph Ataman has written a piece about Antigone, while also connecting the work of Zeina Daccache and her organisation, Catharsis.
French agency TV5Monde on Antigone of Syria
Avec plus d'un million de réfugiés syriens, plus que tout autre pays de la région, le Liban vit de plein fouet et au quotidien la crise syrienne qui dure depuis bientôt quatre ans. Parmi eux, les femmes sont nombreuses et des associations tentent de leur apporter une aide particulière. Une vingtaine d'exilées syriennes sont ainsi devenues comédiennes le temps de quelques soirées de représentation d'une pièce de théâtre mythique.
Italian story on Antigone of Syria in Il Reportage
Dopo giorni di pioggia battente finalmente Beirut si era svegliata con una luce serena e calda; il sole di una tarda mattinata di primavera nei primi giorni di dicembre. Bloccati nel traffico di Hamra, come al solito, avevamo dovuto chiedere all’autista di farci scendere prima per continuare a piedi e arrivare in tempo a destinazione.
Avevo chiesto qualche giorno prima la possibilità di assistere alle prove di “Antigone of Syria”, un workshop teatrale quotidiano di due mesi, che ha debuttato con la prima di tre repliche, mercoledì 10 dicembre, nel più importante teatro di Beirut, il Madina.
Lebanese based agency iloubnan write about Antigone of Syria
For many women the project represents an essential escape from their troubled lives. For that reason, Aperta are looking for ways to keep the project running after the performance, establishing a set up where the women can run their own workshops and in turn train others. The performance will be recorded and shared on the internet in a hope to encourage others to gain empowerment through theatre.
Workshop blog - Around Lebanon
Hi, I'm Dina. My role is to train the women to use their bodies, voices and work together as a team. I'll be cataloguing the trials and tribulations of the workshops as we prepare to lead them out on to the stage for the first time in their lives. We have 8 weeks. This is my blog - hope you enjoy reading....and check back for regular updates.
In this entry - No rehearsals for a week so an exploration of Lebanon.
Workshop blog - When will we go back?
Hi, I'm Dina. My role is to train the women to use their bodies, voices and work together as a team. I'll be cataloguing the trials and tribulations of the workshops as we prepare to lead them out on to the stage for the first time in their lives. We have 8 weeks. This is my blog - hope you enjoy reading....and check back for regular updates.
Travelling Lebanon for Eid, a new recruit joins the workshops, and political opinions come through.